Rules of Right from of verbs
Technique 1
Dangerous = V1 অর্থাৎ Sentence এ Dangerous এর অংশ থাকলেই V1 হবে। যেমনঃ
D= Daily
A= Always
N= Normally
G= Generally
E= Everyday
R= Regularly
O= Occasionally/Often
U= Usually
S= Sometimes
1. They often (visit) the place.
2. They often visit the place.
3. Mim ( attend ) my class regul arlly.
4. Mim attends my class regul arlly.
N.B: Sub 3rd person singular Number হলে Verb এর সাথে s বা es যোগ করতে হয়।
চিরন্তন সত্য, অভ্যাসগত কাজ বা নিয়মিত কাজ বুঝালে V1 হবে।
1. The earth (be) round.
The earth is round.
2. He (get) up at 6 O’clock.
He gets up at 6 O’clock.
Modal verb এর পর V1 হবে।
1. Education can (remove) illiteracy from the country.
To do verb (do, does, did ) এর পর V1 হবে।
1. Riya did not (call) me last month.
Subject singular হলে verb singular হবে Subject plural হলে verb plural হবে।
1. Rahim (come) of a noble family.
Rahim comes of a noble family.
2. They (be) interested to know the story.
Technique 2
DAAN (দান) = am/is/are+( V1+ing)
D= day by day
A= At present
A= At the moment
N= Now
কোন Sentece এ Now, At present, At the moment, day by day থাকলে am/is/are+(v+ing) হবে। যেমনঃ
1. They (watch) TV at the moment.
They are watching TV at the moment.
N.B: am/is/are/was/were এর পরে (V1+ing) হবে sub মানুষ হলে , আর V3 হবে sub অমানুষ হলে ।
1. The government is (import) Sugar from Brazil. – importing
2. Sugar is (import) from Brazil. – imported
Sub অক্ষম হলে = Aux.v+ V3
1. English (speak) all over the word. – is spoken
2. Student life (call) the seed time of life .- is called
Technique 3
AJRYLE (আযরাইল) = have/has+ V3
A= Already
J= Just/ just now
R= Recently
Y= Yet
L= Lately
E= Ever
Technique 4
O-LAYLA (তুমি অতীত অর্থাৎ Past indefinite) = V2
O= Once
L= long ago/ long time/long since
A= ago
Y= yesterday
LA= last day/last month/last year
(i) I _________(meet) my favourite teacher yesterday. - met
It is high time/ It is time/wish/fancy= V2
(i) It is high time we ______(solve) the problem. – solved
Technique 5
To ছাড়া সকল preposition এর পর V+ing হবে।
কিন্তু To এর সাথে To এর আত্নীয় স্বজন থাকলে V+ing হবে।
১ টি simple বাক্যে ২ টি verb থাকলে ২য় verb এর সাথে এবং
সকল continious tense এ verb এর সাথে ing হয় ।
(i) We should give importance on ______(learn) English. - learning
(ii) I went there with a view to ______(to take) money. - taking
Technique 7
এক নজরে দেখে নাও V3 কোথায় বসে
4H = have/has/had/having
4G = get/got/getting/grow
4B = be/been/being/become
(i) Water is being _____(pollute) many ways. - polluted
(ii) Having ______(finish) reading , we will go home. - finished
Technique 8
TONE (টোনি) এবং ENA এর sub plural হলেও verb singular হয়। অর্থাৎ
E= each/every/everyone/everybody/everything N= nobody/ no one/none/nothing A= any/ any body/ any thing/ any one |
T= The number of
O= One of
N= Neither of
E= Either of/each of
(i) One of the students _____(get) highest murk in the every exam. - gets
(ii) Any body (have) stolen my watch. - has
Other Rules
1. tomorrow/next/coming/next day/ next week/next month/next year এমন কি ভবিষ্যৎ কালের কোন সাল উল্লেখ থাকলে Future Indefinite tense হয় অর্থাৎ shall/will+v1
(i) I ____(leave) for Dhaka tomorrow. - shall leave
Relative pronoun (who/which/that) এর পরে gap থাকলে তার আগের sub অনুযায়ী verb বসে। অর্থাৎ sub singular হলে verb singular, sub plural হলে verb plural হবে ।
যেমনঃ It is I who _____(be) responsible for this. - am
Conditional Sentence (শর্ত মুলক বাক্য)
1st conditional If+sub+v1+obj,sub+will+v1+বাকি অংশ।
If you walk slowly, you (miss) the train. – will miss
2st conditional If+sub+v2+obj,sub+would/could/might+v1+বাকি অংশ।
If you came to English educare centre, you (pass) in the exam.- could pass
3st conditional If+sub+had+v3+obj,sub+would have/could have /might have +v3+বাকি অংশ।
If I had been a king, I (help) the poor. - would help
Before এর পূর্বে এবং After এর পরে sub+had+ v3+ex
Before এর পরে এবং After এর পূর্বে sub+ v2+ex
2. That’ conjunction দ্বারা দুটি clause যুক্ত হলে that-এর আগের clause-টি past indefinite হলে এবং that-এর পরের clause-এ যদি next + সময়, যেমন, next day, next week, next month, next year প্রভৃতির কোন একটি থাকে, তবে bracket-এর মধ্যকার verb-টি verb-এর রুপ হবে would + verb-এক নম্বর।
Example: He said that he (buy) a house next year. – He said that he would buy a house next year.
Rule 3:
‘Since’ conjunction দ্বারা দুটি clause যুক্ত হলে since-এর আগের clause-টি present indefinite বা present perfect হলে এবং since-এর পরের clause-এর bracket-এর মধ্যকার verb-টি past indefinite tense. কিন্তু যদি since-এর আগের clause-টিই past indefinite হয় তখন since-এর পরের clause-এর bracket-এর মধ্যকার verb-টি past perfect tense.
· Many years have passed since he (retire) from his job. – Many years have passed since he retired from his job.
· It is many years since I (see) you. – It is many years since I saw you.
· It was long since I (see) Rahima last. – It was long since I had seen Rahima last.
· It was many years since we first (meet). – It was many years since we had first met.
· Many years (pass) since his father died. – Many years have passed since his father died.
Rule 4:
বাক্যের ‘since clause’-টি যদি কোন কারন বর্ণনা করে, এবং অপর clause-টি যদি উক্ত কারনের ফল (result) বর্ণনা করে, তবে ‘since clause’-এর verb-টি যে tense-এ থাকবে result clause-টিও সেই একই tense-এ হবে। একইভাবে, বাক্যের ‘as clause’ অথবা ’because clause‘-টি যদি কোন কারন বর্ণনা করে, এবং অপর clause-টি যদি উক্ত কারনের ফল (result) বর্ণনা করে, তবে ‘as clause/because clause’-এর verb-টি যে tense-এ থাকবে result clause-টির verb-টিও সাধারনত: সেই একই tense-এ হয়।
Rahim (to pass) the examination since he did not study. – Rahim did not pass the examination since he did not study.
As Rahim did not study, he (not pass) the examination. – As Rahim did not study, he did not pass the examination.
Since Rahim was tired, he (take) a break to take some rest. – Since Rahim was tired, he took a break to take some rest.
Rahim could not come to the class because he (be) ill. – Rahim could not come to the class because he was ill.
Rule 5:
No sooner had…………………than………… ……অথবা scarcely had ……… when…………..কিম্বা hardly had………………..when……………….. দ্বারা গঠিত বাক্যগুলিতে দুটি বাকাংশ থাকে। এক্ষেত্রে প্রথম বাকাংশটির verb সাধারনত: past perfect tense-এ থাকে। এই বাকাংশের subject-কে সাহায্যকারী ও মূল verb-এর মধ্যে রাখতে হয়। পরের বাকাংশটি যা than কিম্বা when দ্বারা আরম্ভ হয়, তা past indefinite tense-এ হয়।
No sooner had I received his phone call than I (go) to help him. – No sooner had I received his phone call than I went to help him.
No sooner I (receive) his phone call than I went to help him. – No sooner had I received his phone call than I went to help him.
Scarcely had I reached the station when the train (leave) the station. – Scarcely had I reached the station when the train left the station.
Hardly had I reached home when he (call) me. – Hardly had I reached home when he called me.
Rule 6:
Admit, advise, appreciate, begin, complete, consider, delay, deny, discuss, enjoy, finish, feel, feel like, like, mind, miss, practise, quit, recall, recommend, risk, stop, suggest, tolerate, understand, worth প্রভৃতি verb-এর পরপরই যদি bracket-এ verb দেয়া থাকে, তবে তার রুপ হবে verb-এর -ing.
Would you mind (have) a cup of coffee? – Would you mind having a cup of coffee?
The doctor suggested/advised (drink) milk twice a day. – The doctor suggested drinking milk twice a day.
We enjoyed (talk) with your friend. – We enjoyed talking with your friend.
Rule 7:
Approve of, be better of, can’t help, count on, get through, insist on, keep on, look
forward to, object to, think about, think of প্রভৃতির পরপরই অথবা যে কোন preposition-এর পরপরই যদি bracket-এ verb দেয়া থাকে, তবে তার রুপ হবে verb-এর -ing.
I am looking forward to (meet) you. – I am looking forward to meeting you.
I couldn’t help (go) there to meet him. – I couldn’t help going there to meet him.
He insisted on (take) a trip to India. – He insisted on taking a trip to India.
Rule 8:
কোন ব্যক্তি অন্য কোন ব্যক্তির মাধ্যমে তার কাজ করিয়ে নেওয়ার জন্য বা সম্পন্ন করার জন্য যে verb গুলি ব্যবহৃত হয়, তাদের causative verb বলে। এই causative verb মোট পাঁচটি। তারা হলো make, let, help, have এবং get.
Causative হিসাবে ‘make’ verb-এর ব্যবহার নিম্নরুপ:
Subject + make + someone / something + verb-এর এক নম্বর
Causative হিসাবে ‘let’ verb-এর ব্যবহার নিম্নরুপ:
Subject + let + someone / something + verb-এর এক নম্বর
Causative হিসাবে ‘help’ verb-এর ব্যবহার নিম্নরুপ:
Subject + help + someone / something + verb-এর এক নম্বর অথবা to-verb
He is helping me (type) my article. – He is helping me type my article. Or: He is helping me to type my article.
Rahim helped Rafik (learn) English. – Rahim helped Rafik learn English. Or: Rahim helped Rafik to learn English.
Causative হিসাবে ‘have’ verb-এর ব্যবহার নিম্নরুপ:
Have-এর পর ব্যক্তিবাচক থাকলে: Subject + have + someone + verb-এর এক নম্বর
Have- এর পর বস্তুবাচক থাকলে: Subject + have + something + verb-এর তিন নম্বর
· My English teacher had us (learn) new English words regularly. – My English teacher had us learn new English words regularly.
· Mr. Rahim had Rafik (wash) his car. – Mr. Rahim had Rafiq wash the car.
·Mr. Rahim had the car (wash). – Mr. Rahim had the car washed.
Causative হিসাবে ‘get’ verb-এর ব্যবহার নিম্নরুপ:
Get-এর পর ব্যক্তিবাচক থাকলে: Subject + get + someone + to-verb
Get- এর পর বস্তুবাচক থাকলে: Subject + get + something + verb-এর তিন নম্বর
Rule 7:
As if অথবা as though যদি বাক্যের conjunction হিসাবে ব্যবহৃত হয়, তবে as if অথবা as though-এর আগের clause-এর verb-টি present indefinite হলে as if অথবা as though-এর পরের clause-এর verb-টি past indefinite হবে।
কিন্তু as if অথবা as though-এর আগের clause-এর verb-টি past indefinite হলে as if অথবা as though-এর পরের clause-এর verb-টি past perfect হবে।
He looked as if / as though he (run) ten miles. – He looked as if / as though he had run ten miles.
Rahim looked as if / as though he (see) a ghost. – Rahim looked as if / as though he had seen a ghost.